It is jointly developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Railway
The first one was fitted in Gwalior-Varanasi Bundelkhand Express in January 2011.
A bio-toilet is a toilet in which biological degradation of human waste by inoculums takes place.
Inoculums digests the human waste converting it into water & gases in the
The name of name of Bio-toilet Bacteria is Anaerobic Bacteria.
Advantage of IR-DRDO Bio-Digester
1. No bad smell in toilets from the tanks
2. No infestation of Cockroaches & flies
3. Fecal matter in the tank not visible
4. No clogging of digester
5. Effluent is free from off odour and solid waste
6. No maintenance required
7. Reduction in organic matter by 90%
8. No requirement of adding bacteria/ enzyme
9. No need of removal of solid waste
Video by Railway
Source: Handbook on IR-DRDO Bio toilets.