Foreign Words and Phrases- Important for PSC Exams

1. Habeas Corpus - To present the person in body

2. Id-est - That is

3. Idibem - in the same place, thing or case

4. In camera - in a private room

5. In toto - in the whole

6. Impasse - A dead lock

7. In-memorium - To the memory of

8. Sine die - without a day being appointed

9. Statusquo - The state in which

10. Terra incongnita - An unknown Country

11. Ultra Vires - Beyond one's powers

12. Via media - A middle course

13. Par excellance - by the way of eminence

14. Par example - For example

15. Prima facie - On the first view

16. R.S.V.P - Replay if you please

17. Interalia - Among other things

18. Lingua Franca - Language for communication

19. Locus Standi - A right to interfere

20. Magnum opus - A great work

21. Marriage the - Marriage from convenan convenience

22. Beau garcon - A handsome man

23. Bastide - A french country house

24. Basta - Enough! no more!

25. Ab initio - From the beginning

26. Auto - An Act, a drama

27. Ad Origine - From the Origin

28. An revior - Until we meet again

29. Ad hoc - For the Special purpose

30. Annie Christi - In the year of christ

31. Affair d'amour - A love affair

32. A' la mode - In fashion

33. Alter ago - One's other self

34. Alma Mater - Benign mother

35. Donnae' Mobile - W oman is changeable

36. Ecce - Behold

37. En masse - Universally

38. Edition de luxe - A splendid and expensive edition of a book

39. En Famile - Amongst the family

40. Elite - The best part

41. Etole - Star

42. Etranger - Stranger

43. Ettu Brutel - You too, Brutus!

44. Euge - W ell done

45. Gens de letters - Literary man

46. Eureka Mureka - I have found it

47. Excelsior - Higher

48. Fenome - Wife

49. Exception Confirmat- The exception proves the rule
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