Breeds of Livestock - Cattle, Goats, Buffalo, Sheep, Pigs, Chicken, Duck

Breeds of cattle

  • Sahiwal
  • Red Sindhi
  • Gir, Deoni
  • Hallikar Kangayam
  • Amrit Mahal
  • Kankrej
  • Hariana
  • Tharparkar 
  • Vechur
  • Kasaragod dwarf
  • Jersey
  • Holstein Friesian
  • Brown Swiss

Breeds of buffalo

  • Murrah
  • Surti
  • Jaffarabadi
  • Mehsana
  • Nili Ravi

Breeds of goats and sheep

  • Malabari
  • Attapady black
  • Beetel
  • Jamunapari
  • barbari
  • Saanen
  • Alpine
  • Boer
  • Kashmeeri
  • Marwari
  • Merino 

Breeds of pigs

  • Yorkshire
  • Landrace
  • Duroc
  •  Berkshire
  • Hampshire

Breeds of chicken
White leghorn,
Black Minorca, RIR, New Hampshire, Australorp, Plymouth rock,
Cornish, Brahma, Cochin, Aseel, Kadaknath, Naked neck, Austrowhite,
Gramapriya, Athulya, Giriraja

Breeds of duck, turkey, quail
Muscovy, White Pekin, Indian runner, Khakhi Campbell, Chara, Chemballi,
Broad breasted bronze, Beltsville small white, Japanese quail,
Bobwhite quail
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